Les Emirs - Tiaret, Algeria

Triangle (Maghni, Nasro, Hamid)

Groupe Tagdemt




Ron, Hamid, Pedro


Realword Studios, Bath, England


Dissidenten, Finland


Hamid & Band, South Africa


Kassel, Germany


Undisputed master of ethno-pop, multicultural Algerian ambassador, singer globalist protest and one of the pioneers of the first hour of world music, he likes to surprise, innovate and disrupt, by force of will and talent, it is become over time, a reference of the north African music. The first to have electrified the rhythms of the Sahara and laid the groundwork for pop-global. Perfectionist at heart, he makes magic rhyme with ethno and techno, Eastern roots and Western rhythms, to modern sounds that shake even the African savannah. His solo albums have climbed the top of the charts of the European World-Music, his love for the mysteries of music, fueled wanderings and travels of a nation, remains intact and is found in his vocal sound in its hypnotic rhythms and Arab-Andalusian chant.

Hamid Baroudi is an artist whose music is an amazing mixture of nomadic cross-cultural influences. From his Algerian roots he is able to effortlessly throw his cultivated vocals across Brazilian sambas, African macossa or moody North African Gnawa Trance, while being propelled forward by an intricate mix of funky dance rhythms. He has the ability to build sound patterns with a mix of instruments and vocals, creating a new music direction in the world music.

Hamid Baroudi grew up with music in Algeria and made his stage debut at age 13 in his home city of Tiaret. Music is far more than just entertainment in Algeria. It is regarded as a vehicle for purposes such as hope against oppression, shared solidarity and spirituality.

His first Algerian Band “les Emirs” was the beginning of a long musical adventure. In the 80’s Hamid experimented with his school Band “Triangle” the first world music sound long before Rai music. "Tagdemt" was his third Algerian Band, a hot musical outfit and Hamid himself a beguiling and charismatic stage force.

Baroudi moved to France when he was a teenager but settled in Germany later in life, when he sought to study Art in the documenta city of Kassel. In that time, Baroudi has made a huge reputation of himself as musical innovator, dynamic performer and social activist, first as a lead singer of the German experimental group "Dissidenten", where he brought his North African heritage with him to experiment with the band during 6 long years. After he produced 3 albums with them; the politically motivated animal, Baroudi as a musician of principe; left the band to pursue his solo career.

Once dubbed the “pathfinder of global ethno-pop” Hamid Baroudi spent the next two years working with his new "Hamid Baroudi Band" on “City*No*Mad” (1994), his maiden first solo album. His music topped the European World Music Charts for 12 weeks in 17 countries.

Despite his many commitments, Baroudi is not one to neglect his political stand and found the time to perform in a festival against the 1991 Persian Gulf War held in Bonn, Germany before a staggering 200.000 strong audience, where he sang his biggest Hit ”Caravan to Baghdad”.

Baroudi has since become an ambassador not only for North African music, but for the world’s different religions and cultures. In keeping with the spirit of his first album, which he valiantly offered to “Everyone who hopes to live in a world without any racism, fanaticism, violence, war or borders”. His songs are indeed protest songs, but his protest is against oppression, that’s why the North African Press declared him as the most important protest artist of the 90’s. Music is my arm and words are my bullets!

Hamid has been showered with praises for his music just about everywhere he goes. His adopted hometown Kassel has since proudly acknowledged his work with number of cultural grants. Peter Gabriel’s Womad Festival Organisation has led him to perform in England, Spain, Singapore, Japan and Australia. He also produced a Song for the Realworld benefit compilation "Spirit of Africa", on this album, the Mercury Phoenix Trust and Real World Records join together to put out a formidable unified musical front, featuring groups or artists from 11 different African countries contributing songs that celebrate the resilience of the African people. He performed together with Miriam Makeba, Salif Keita, Johnny Clegg at the Festival against Racism in Durban.

“5” is an aptly chosen title for Baroudi’s second solo-album because it features vocals in five languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish & West-African Wolof. Each of the ten songs on the album was recorded in a different City (Algiers, Seville, Cairo, Paris, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Sidney, Toronto & San Francisco) on five Continents.

Hamid’s third album is “Sidi”. The musical offerings are far ranging-including:
The rhythms typical of the southern
Algerian Sahara, Afro-Brazilian grooves & Rap. Baroudi leads a nomadic existence and his travels allow him to explore the essence of the world-music and various cultures, which skilfully interweaves to create a tapestry of musical styles.

His own music has been successfully remixed by DJs (Mad CT Mix), preserving both original character and lending the material an urban edge. But the music of Baroudi is based upon more than conceptual formulation. He’s also a fine melodic songwriter and his melodies carry his message to places they may otherwise pass by. Hamid’s latest Japanese excursions are reflected in remixes by DJ Krush and Sakuma.

Yes! I make it difficult for music-experts to pigeonhole me and that gives me a real kick, says “Hamid the city-nomad”. People ask me: "What kind of music do you play? Is it ethno, pop, rai, techno, hip hop, classic, folklore or modern?" To which I can only answer: "Sorry, but that’s not my problem. It was my problem until I compose it. Now the ball’s in your court."

Records companies don’t have it easy with me. Some would like to corner me in an ethno-niche. They think world-music must be traditional and acoustic, exotic instruments and unplugged session as opposed to electronic music. That, really, is one of the clichés that my first band and I tried to destroy back in the 80’s. Those taboos are long gone. Now is the time to cross over. There are no fixed points anymore, cause we’re living in one world!

Indeed, if you like music that’s utterly mongrel, that picks and mixes from across the board, then Hamid is your man. Because his is a Charismatic communicator and his groove is irresistible.
